Welcome to Tanta Royal Schools
we provide outstanding
academic and
education with a keen
focus on character
building .
consider it an honor to
develop critical
thinkers that will grow
up to be leaders and
outstanding citizens for
region , in Egypt and
abroad .
pride ourselves in being
able to offer a
high-quality education
to a diverse community
of students,
representing both local
Belgian families and
families from the world
Our school is
project-oriented, thus
stimulating students to
be curious, creative and
responsible learners
to combine their own
strengths and talents
with those of a wide
variety of other persons
through constructive
teamwork. Students are
encouraged to develop
their own learning
preferences, to develop
their talents and
interests and to develop
their personal
We see it
in our mission not only
to prepare for a
challenging and complex
future, but to
participate actively in
construing it.
We at TRS are all
excited to have
laughter, cheers and
smiles filling the
school halls and look
forward to welcoming you
to our school of Royal
OUR vision
Our Vision
Thus tanta royal schools focus on the individual learner and seek to foster boths personal and academic growths through relevant and forward- thinking learning experience .
Our Mission
Our Philosophy
Respect : recognizing the importance of all the parts of community equally and valuing ,ourselves, others and our surroundings .
Integrity: possessing the qualities of honesty and fairness and applying those qualities to the learning community to improve it .
Collaboration :engaging members of the learning community to enhance motivation and the quality of learning .
Family : fostering a sense of safety and trust within learning the community .
Innovation : instilling knowledge and skills within the learning community that prepare students for their futures in a changing and increasingly digitalized world .
Discover our school

A word from the principle
I wish you a very warm welcome to
Tanta Royal Schools where a
family atmosphere meets
educational excellence.
at TRS, we pride ourselves in
practising what we preach and in
helping develop passionate,
well-rounded and happy students
who can support positive action
around the world. Therefore,
these aren’t just words
gathering dust in policies or on
webpages; instead, they are
demonstrable qualities that our
staff and students showcase on a
daily basis.
I believe that indeed it does
take a village to raise a child
and it certainly takes a village
to help a child to reach
self-actualisation and their
goals in life.